Friday, May 8, 2015

Project 2 - Final

Final Model - Images from Lumion

Final Model

In these two images (above and beneath) the model displays one of the textures. This is used in the same way as a theme wall within the home. 

Custom texture 1

The curved part of the model initially was intended to reflect unsonian style architecture. However, one the model was processed with the artisan tool, I found that, to me, it resembled human form, and in that way, the model also reflects the purpose of the sportspark: human movement.

Custom texture 2

Custom Texture 3

The other two textures are used on the walls of the corridors leading to the elevator. These textures are great to give the corridor a sense of depth.

Other textures in model

The curved component of the model is made of steel, a material which was carefully chosen with long term sustainability in mind. The angular component of the model is made from recycled concrete. This was done with sustainability in mind, but also was done as a reflection of a common material used in Jorn Utzon's work. The fencing around the observation decks are made of bamboo, once again with sustainability in mine. This bamboo is held together with long steel rods.


View of the model as approached from the M7.

Dropbox link:

Lumion 4

3D Warehouse link:

Project 2 - Week 3, Part 1

36 Custom Textures

Textures used in model:

In the model, I will be using materials like bamboo, recycled concrete and steel as bamboo and recycled concrete are sustainable, and because steel is a long term, sustainable solution. If the monument was to be be torn down, the steel used could be upcycled. Through the materials, I will promote sustainability, and thinking about long term solutions for the future.

Project 2 - Week 2

New Sketchup Model with Curved Component

Through the coming together of these two very different forms, my monument will reflect the concept of multiculturalism, the coming together of multiple cultures and living together in harmony, just as the two very different forms within my model sit together comfortably.

My model will also be promoting sustainability.

Parallel Projections

The projections are based on the following couple of axonometrics:


The site I have chosen is the soccer field side. I believe that it is at a good location, a monument which is seen while approaching the Blacktown International Sportspark. In addition to this, the monument can also be seen from Eastern Rd, while approaching the sportspark. As it can be seen from multiple main roads, I think the soccer field side is ideal.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Project 2 - Week 1

First Sketchup Model


"I have a strange, innate sense for space. I dream a house and then I have it in my head" - Jorn Utzon

Additive Architecture

The following set of axonometrics is inspired by the concept of "additive architecture" - a method of design used by Jorn Utzon in which, as the building progresses, forms are added to the building or structure, whether it be for aesthetic or structure. This was a concept used in the construction of the Sydney Opera House.


The next set of axonometrics is based on one of Jorn Utzons sources of inspiration - nature, and the concept that buildings should fit into their surroundings. The axonometrics display nature in the way the forms fit together.

"The architects gift to society is to bring joy to the people, from the surroundings he creates" - Jorn Utzon.


Just like Jorn Utzon was inspired by nature itself, he was also inspired by the growth of nature, and so this was another concept he followed. Just like that, I used this concept to inspire my axonometrics, where the forms "grow".

Mayan Ruins - Elevation

Another concept followed by Jorn Utzon was the architectural style followed by the Mayans, in which they would build high structures so that people could be elevated and experience life from a higher point. The following set of axonometrics follow this concept, and I chose to stack these forms, just as the Mayans "stacked" large forms on each other.

"The structure and key geometry expresses the logic of the building" - Jorn Utzon

Frank Lloyd Wright - Usonian Architecture

Jorn Utzon found inspiration in the works of Frank Lloyd Wright, especially those of the Usonian Architecture style. I used the structure of those buildings as inspiration for the next couple of axonometrics sets. I especially found inspiration in how those houses have car port and therefore both of the following sets have tunnel like elements in them. 

Project 2 - Concepts