Sunday, June 28, 2015

Submission - Moving Elements

Lecture Hall Light Blocker

The light blocker in the lecture hall features black screens that cover the windows as soon as the computer connected to the projector is turned on. The lecturer can also control the blocker at will. The light blocker will retract after the computer has been turned off. It darkens the room for the projector and blocks views out of the room.

Gallery Moving Facade

The moving facade outside of the walls of the gallery is stimulated by activity within the room. Using sensors, the facade moves to restrict the views outside of the room, to allow the focus of the guests inwards, rather than outwards. After the room no longer has any activity going on within it, the facade will retract, opening the room up to the surrounding views.

Submission - Textures

In my bridge, I used three textures, one from my Linear category, Rotation category and Sway category. The Linear texture was used on an elevator that leads people to the Gallery. 
I Photoshopped my Rotation texture into a purple fabric texture. I then used this as the flooring in the study room.
And finally, I used the sway texture in the workshop to represent the rooms use for design purposes.